Welcome to
Bonus Day 6:
- Days 1-5 Survey
- The Acid Test
- Dr. B's Personal Checklists
- Dr. B's Personal Go Bag
- Questions - Answers
- What's Next?
Your pets will thank you for being prepared!
They Can't do it themselves!
Welcome to Bonus: Day 6
- Days 1-5 Survey
- The Acid Test
- Dr. B's Personal Checklists
- Dr. B's Personal Go Bag
- Questions - Answers
- What's Next?
Your pets will thank you for being prepared!
They Can't do it themselves!
Bonus: Day 6, Start Here:
Bonus Day: Putting It All Together
Todays' Lesson Outline:
- << VIDEO 1>> (above)
- Crisis Breakdown --> Action Grid ( Below - review)
- Confidence in Your Exit Plan
- Rest Assured Your Home Is Secure
- Happy and Safe Away From Home
- Lost Pet ? → Finding Fido by the Numbers...
Crisis Breakdown:
- Prepare for two BASIC Action scenarios→ 1) Flee vs. 2) hunker-down, COVID style.
- Prepare for two BASIC TIME scenarios→ 1) NO WARNING vs. 2) Some Warning

- Determine which ones are applicable to you and your home
- Get to work --> Take Action
Take Action:
- Checklists
- Go Bag
- Transport Equipment
- Family Meeting
- Emergency Exit → Walk through
- Interior, Exterior, MONTHLY Inspection
Take Action:
- Create → Binder / Manual for all reference material
- ..... Checklists
- ..... Loading Diagrams etc.
- ..... All Household menber know h=where, how.
- ..... Program all phones with contact, SM, Twitter, Network Neighborhood et al.
- .
- .
- .
Take Action:
- Monthly
- Inspect - Collars, leashes, tack, et al. for wear-n-tear / replace PRN
- Inspect - Yard for changes / problems
- Inspect - Interior for changes / problems
- Rotate Stock - Pet food, water, Rx, et al.
- List C →
Take Action:
- Share Your Vehicle Loading Diagram with me →
- DrB@DrBLovesMyPet.com
- Take a break.... Tomorrows another day!
- "Thanks for caring about your pets". - Dr. B
What's Next ???
- I am going to let you suggest what you need most!
- Click Here to Post A Question/ Comment/Remark/or Tip of Your Own"
- I Consider All Requests and Comments
- and
- I greatly value you and you Support
Course Outline:
Day 1 - Introduction
Day 1 - Natural Disasters
Day 2 - Planning Your Exit
Day 3 - Dangers At Home
Day 4 - Dangers on the Road (Travel)
Day 5- Lost - Missing - Escaped Pets
Day 6 - Bonus: Putting It All Together

"Prepare NOW - because - Your Pet Depends Upon YOU!" - Dr. B
Dr. B - Bruce Bauersfeld, D.V.M.