Pet Club Registration Form
Our Pets Depend On Us....
Disaster, Danger, and Loss..

Your pets depend on you!
Fellow Pet Lover!
- Are you worried about any aspect of your pet’s health?
- Are you afraid you don't have all the right answers?
- Are you uncertain on your next safe and effective step?
- If so…
- You are in the right place .
Here at Dr. B’s Pet Club — I help pet owners - like you...
Overcome your fears as you care for your beloved pet - day in and day out.
Join Our Family of Concerned Pet Owners. Who NOW Can Live Worry-Free With Their Pet.
Because: They have trustworthy veterinary advice and the confidence to use it at the right time and in the right place. So that their beloved pet can
⇒ Live a Longer and
⇒ Pain-Free Life !
Register Today
Your pet will thank you!
2x Opt-In Confirmation Test
Join Our Pet Club - Today...
Your Pets will be Glad You Did!

Dr. B - Bruce Bauersfeld, D.V.M.