Mom: Aura Dad: D-Day
All Pups Have:
- AKC Pedigree
- AVID Microchip
- Age Appropriate:
- - Vaccinations
- - Worming
- - Flea prevention
- Contract
- Tender Loving Care
Our pups are born in our master bedroom suite and are well socialized when they leave.
Please be aware that our contract requires spay/neuter AFTER 11 months of age.
All pups (boy/girl) are the same price and come with an AKC (limited) Registration.
AKC Pedigree
Our breeding stock has been carefully chosen from American, Canadian, and European lines.
Your pups ancestors have been tested (to the extent possible) for: hip and elbow dysplasia, eye disease, heart disease, and degenerative myelopathy.
Please be aware that we will select the puppy for you that best matches your wishes, goals and lifestyle.
Take Your First Step To Join The Magic Berner Family
Fill out our contact form today!
So we can keep in touch with you...
All Companion Puppies Are:
Note: DO NOT mail a deposit unless you have been notified!