5 Day Challenge:
Make your pet disaster proof...NOW
Prevent Pet
Disaster, Danger, and Loss..

- If you had to leave your home, in 10 minutes, what would you do?
- Could you ACT QUICKLY - leave efficiently, and confidently - knowing your pets would be safe?
- Have you ever discovered your pet missing? - Did you know exactly what to do?
- When your pet eats a sock, Christmas ornament, or strange plant, do you know what to do....
On completion of the Challenge:
- On completion of the challenge you will have the answers to these and other questions - not only at your fingertips, but also
- Checklists to follow at the time most needed.
- Join the challenge and make sure you, and your pets are prepared!
The Challenge will be delivered daily to your in-box.
- Work at your own pace,
- Work on your own schedule
Step-Up ⇒ Take the Challenge ⇒ Protect Your Pet !
Your pets depend on you!
NOW is the time for YOU to prepare.
Your pets will thank you for being prepared!
Dr. B - Bruce Bauersfeld, D.V.M.