Magic Bernese  Mt. Dogs !

Champion Lines - Champion Dogs


Why Did the Swiss Prize Their Working Farm Dogs?


Swiss have prized their Bernese for centuries because of their Loyalty, Beauty and Sagacity


If you are looking for a Berner to add to your family, and were refered by the AKC, you are in the right place!


Yes we will have puppies…   We can not promise when.

Can you have one?  – We do not know!  – The answer will depend upon several factors: We place our puppies in the homes which best suit the individual puppy’s character and needs.  Our goal is to match your needs, hopes, and dreams with a puppy that has a reasonable chance of fulfilling them. Truly a win – win – win situation.

We do accept advance deposits.  We do not promise you a ‘pick’ puppy.  

Yes we have a list. Yes your name can be placed on it. Your deposit and completed questionnaire secures your order on our list. When the pups are 7-8 weeks of age we will assess what we have; and place them.  If we do not have a puppy for you, we will return your deposit. Or you may remain on the list for our next litter.

Your first step is to tell us something about yourself. That is the purpose of our Basic Info form.  Please fill in this form and return it to us.  


After we receive your basic information, we need to chat. We will have more questions.  We are sure that you will have more questions too. It is very important that neither of us have unanswered questions!

Please understand that in simply filling out our contact sheet and/or questionnaire that you are not guaranteed a puppy. 

Also understand that our position as breeders is somewhat unique. To date, we have selected all of our original breeding stock from international kennels with championship lines. (Belgium, Netherlands, France, Canada, Hungary et al.) The pedigrees of our puppies are highly valued.  

Our first responsibility is to our puppies and to the breed itself, next to our colleagues, who also are also trying to maintain and were possible enhance the type, temperament, soundness and longevity of the breed. Notwithstanding, our selection process does produce many fine pet puppies. 


What We Expect From You:  Your Berner is loved and cared for in a family environment, (Your puppy lives indoors with you and the family). He/she has access to a secure fenced yard, fed a balanced age appropriate diet twice daily, and trained in social graces. 

We Expect continuing information from you on the puppy’s progress, notification of major illnesses or surgery (Including spay or neuter).

What You Can Expect From Us:  A healthy Berner puppy, raised in our home, socialized to the best of our ability (at an age appropriate level). An AKC Registration.  Pedigree. And Free Tech Support.


Let's Get Started 


Click here to submit your contact information.  


Thanks for your Interest in

Our Magic Berners

 © 2021 Dr. B's Pet Club

Magic Berners
